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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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CISRO’s ‘harmonizing’ life insurance licensing revisited – RickardsRead

During my years in the Canadian life insurance business I spent a great deal of time, including sixteen years as chair of the Canadian...

Green property developers charged with multiple offences: Baines

In 2008 and 2009, Vancouver property developers Michael Knight and Jeff Wiegel were riding a wave of upbeat publicity over their condo project in...

Mayor calls on Katz to detail his arena case in public

A frustrated Mayor Stephen Mandel says the Oilers owner now has no choice but to come before council and publicly state exactly what he...

High-profile gangland crime buster to head securities enforcement in B.C.: Baines

The B.C. Securities Commission has appointed high-profile Crown prosecutor Teresa Mitchell-Banks, Q.C., as its new director of enforcement, effective Oct. 10. The commission also appointed...

Competition Bureau sues Rogers, Bell, Telus $10 million each over misleading advertising

The Competition Bureau is suing Canada’s three biggest wireless carriers and an industry association for allegedly misleading consumers about the cost of premium texting...