The city of Shenzhen, China—the world capital of vaping product manufacturing—has been locked down by Chinese health authorities because of a COVID-19 surge in neighboring Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is considered an island, but actually has 11 crossings into Shenzhen, including multiple land crossings that allow automotive or rail travel.

The lockdown is scheduled to last eight days, until March 20, according to the Hong Kong Free Press. Shenzhen residents, except those who work in essential enterprises like food and energy, were told to stay home beginning Sunday. Public transit throughout the city will be shut down, and all 17.5 million residents will be tested for COVID at least three times during the eight-day lockdown. Some employees will be able to work from home.

The COVID lockdown will affect the Chinese vaping industry, which employs more than three million Chinese residents, according to the Shanghai Daily.

Read full article here.

Jim McDonald – Vaping360 – 2022-03-13.

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