Peace power plans can’t wait for public review, minister says


A critical part of an $860 million gas processing plant that Veresen Midstream recently announced it wants to build near Dawson Creek is a recently completed BC Hydro transmission line to provide power.

Now two more electrification projects are being planned to provide power for the natural gas industry in northeastern B.C., and B.C. Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett says they just can’t wait for a lengthy review by the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC).

“My understanding, right now, is that if I do not direct the BCUC to allow these projects to go ahead, that we may lose some of the interest on the part of the gas companies,” Bennett said. “They just don’t feel they can wait for a long BCUC process.”

Read full article here.

Nelson Bennett – Business in Vancouver – November 10, 2015.

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