Government taking action on Mount Polley – Bennett


The B.C. government announced it will introduce new regulations and requirements stemming from recommendations that came out of an investigation into a tailings facility failure at Mount Polley in August 2014.

Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett made the announcement on Friday, noting that the action comes from a report from the Chief Inspector of Mine, which highlighted 19 recommendations in seven categories.

“We’ve learned from this investigation that in the case of Mount Polley, the allowable margin of risk around the design, construction and management of the tailings storage facility was too narrow to allow for an unknown factor, the labor of unstable soils below the dam embankment,” Bennett said in a press release.

“We’ve also learned that weak practices on the mine site increased the risk of dam failure and exacerbated environmental consequences from the breach.”

Read full article here.

Trevor Crawley – Cranbrook Daily Townsman – Dec 21, 2015.

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