Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission does well to no longer define bare breasts as nudity


On Nov. 23, the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission changed their nudity policy, as exposed female breasts are no longer considered nudity. A long time coming? I think so. Should it have happened before now? Absolutely.

The prudish and ridiculous former policy against female breasts in entertainment was as follows: breasts, including the nipple and surrounding breast tissue was considered to be nude, and even a little tasteful side boob warranted a large fine and the possible removal of liquor licenses. Furthermore, the outlandish policy dictated that the dancers had to be apart while performing, and that props couldn’t be used in any suggestive ways.

Entertainers such as burlesque dancers in Edmonton are thrilled by this change in policy, given that burlesque is a consistently misunderstood form of dance.

Read full article here.

Alyssa Demers – The Gateway – Dec 2, 2015.

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