Cap on Emissions Tabled in Legislature


This week the Alberta Government introduced an annual 100 megatonne emission cap on oil sands.

According to the latest data from the federal government’s department of environment, the province emitted 66 megatonnes of green house gases (GHG) in 2014 — this accounts for 24 per cent of Alberta’s GHG emissions for the year and nine per cent of Canada’s GHG emissions for the year.

“We are the first jurisdictions to do this,” said Shannon Philips, minister of environment and parks in a news conference on Nov. 1.

“We are an energy producing jurisdiction in a world where climate change is real, so we have to take action and that action has got to be paired with how we grow our economy.”

Read full article here.

Yasmin Mayne – Spruce Grove Examiner/Stony Plain Reporter – November 4, 2016.

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