Time Crunch Is Coming on Ajax Mine Review


Things are about to get interesting again on the Ajax front. Monday, the City’s Industrial Tax Base Task Force will meet with KGHM to talk some more about a community compensation agreement (“partnership agreement” in Ajax-speak), without Mayor Peter Milobar.

That’s because the mayor took himself off the task force last month and appointed Coun. Ken Christian instead. Christian will sit in with Pat Wallace and Dieter Dudy. So, what’s the significance of this? Calling the meeting could reflect an expectation that the countdown clock for the environmental review is about to start again.

My understanding is that KGHM asked for the meeting. The company has indicated most of the responses it needs to provide the B.C. Environmental Assessment office are complete except for some odds and ends.

Read full article here.

Mel Rothenburger – CFJC Today – January 14, 2017.

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