Hamilton Accepts Reality, Passes Bylaw for Uber Drivers to Operate


Hamilton has joined a growing number of North American cities that have licensed Uber-like services.

After nearly two years of trying to enforce current city bylaws on personal transportation providers, Hamilton politicians agreed at their Jan. 25 council meeting to create two separate categories for the services — one for companies with fewer than 100 vehicles and another for larger fleets.

“It’s a workable beginning to a solution to acknowledge changes” in the industry, said Mayor Fred Eisenberger. “This is a reasonable compromise.”

Those changes include establishing an annual fee of $50,000 for Uber, which operates more than 100 vehicles in the city. In addition, the city will impose a per trip fee of 0.06 cents, which city staff expect to generate about $110,000 annually, based on Uber providing 1 million trips.

Read full article here.

Kevin Werner – Hamilton News – January 29, 2017.

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