LNG Warning Bells Went off despite Clark’s Aggressive Push | Vaughn Palmer


Long before the Malaysians pulled the plug on their contribution to developing a liquefied natural gas industry in B.C., there were reasons to think the province was missing the window of opportunity.

The early warning bells coincided with Premier Christy Clark’s announcement of an “aggressive” goal of establishing three LNG export terminals by 2020 and they have been ringing ever since.

“We have a very short window,” said then-Shell Canada president Lorraine Mitchelmore in a comment reported on Sept. 19, 2011, the very day Clark launched her push. “I’m not sure they understand the sense of urgency in front of us.”

As far back as three years ago, Petronas, the Malaysian-government owned senior partner in the consortium behind the Pacific Northwest LNG project, put the B.C. Liberals on notice they might walk rather than commit the necessary billions to develop the terminal.

Read full article here.

Vaughn Palmer – Vancouver Sun – July 26, 2017.

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