How Each Province and Territory (except B.C.) Is Preparing for Cannabis Legalization


When it comes to cannabis legalization and things like age limit, distribution, and taxation, British Columbians are still hearing crickets from our provincial government.

While some provinces have reached out to citizens through online surveys, others have shown interest in providing incentives to small businesses, while others still are hoping for a regional distribution plan.

A provincial-territorial working group on cannabis legalization was established at a recent meeting between premiers in Edmonton, and the group is expected to report back to premiers by November 1, with information about common considerations and best practices for legalization and regulation. (Premier Horgan was not at that meeting.)

So far, all we’ve learned is that Solicitor General Mike Farnworth will lead planning for the safe implementation of legalized cannabis.

Read full article here.

Amanda Siebert – Georgia Straight – August 15, 2017.

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