Global Group Urges ‘Responsible Legal Regulation’ of All Drugs


Governments around the world should move beyond marijuana and legally regulate all drugs, including psychedelics, cocaine and heroin, a group of former world leaders and activists says in a report.

In its third report, being released Tuesday in New York, the Global Commission on Drug Policy repeats its past calls to end jail time for drug possession. But now the high-profile group recommends that governments take control by regulating the legal use of all drugs — a groundbreaking move it says could curb drug-related violence, improve public health and reap economic benefits.

The panel of commissioners behind the latest report, called “Taking Control: Pathways to Drug Policies That Work,” includes:

  • Louise Arbour, a former justice at the Supreme Court of Canada and former UN high commissioner for human rights.
  • Former presidents of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland.
  • Paul Volcker, former U.S. Federal Reserve chair.
  • Richard Branson, British entrepreneur and Virgin Group founder.

Read full article here.

Kathleen Harris – CBC News – Sep 09, 2014.

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