Alberta’s new allies and Notley’s finest hour


‘Suddenly this province seems to have some national allies in unlikely places’ – It’s been a long time coming, but Alberta finally seems to be winning.

After years of smarting on the wrong side of too many pipeline proxy battles and dead-duck scandals, the legitimate complaints of this beleaguered province seem to be earning their due. And much of this has to be credited to Premier Rachel Notley.

The past few weeks, culminating in her wine ban, have been her finest hour. This could go down as Notley’s “Peter Lougheed” moment.

“Let the Western bastards drown in decent plonk” may not have quite the same ring to it, but the spirit of the thing stands.

Alberta’s new allies
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is campaigning for Alberta in lefty outlets like the National Observer.

We might fairly ask whether the prime minister is doing enough, but at least there can be no question that this is a man who is trying to fight for Alberta’s interests — even if those interests align neatly with a defence of his own jurisdictional authority. It feels warm and bubbly.

He gave an interview and said of the B.C. premier, “John Horgan is actually trying to scuttle our national plan on fighting climate change.” Horgan’s plans to stall out Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline by tacking on more diluted bitumen studies appears to be going nowhere.

Read full article here.

Jen Gerson – CBC News – Feb 16, 2018.

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