Professorship versus censorship: Should Jordan Peterson continue to be given a platform on trans rights?


Peterson flaunts his academic credentials to present himself as an expert on law, gender and human rights, but his speculations on the subject are not based on evidence – is he simply misinformed or being malicious?

I recently noticed a tweet responding to a video of Professor Rinaldo Walcott, the Director of Women and Gender Studies Institute at the University of Toronto. In the video, Walcott suggests that his U of T colleague Jordan Peterson shouldn’t be debating issues about which he has no expertise, in particular Peterson’s well-publicized antagonism toward the use of non-gender pronouns. The tweet pointed out that it would be ridiculous not to be allowed to criticize or discuss issues for which we don’t have academic credentials.

I agree that it is regressive and elitist to require a degree in order to have your voice included. Nevertheless, Walcott is right. To quote Spider-Man, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Professors aren’t average people. Academia maintains a rigorous peer-driven hierarchy that bestows upon professors significant authority. When professors make claims, we reasonably expect those claims to be backed by evidence and argument of a quality befitting a scholar. So long as Peterson carries with him the title of professor and draws his platform and authority from it, we should expect a degree of rigour from his political work.

Read full article here.


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