Heyman proves to be artful dodger on Kinder Morgan file | Vaughn Palmer


For the second day running, Premier John Horgan insisted Tuesday that the New Democrats are only doing what they promised to do regarding the proposed twinning of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline.

“We campaigned to ensure that we were going to defend our coast, and that’s exactly what we’re doing,” he told the legislature. “We’re doing that through the courts. We are asserting that we have jurisdiction on areas of the environment with respect to our air, water and lands.”

He’d said much the same thing the day before, responding to the Kinder Morgan threat to abandon the project in the face of continued obstruction by the B.C. government.

“We had an election campaign about 12 months ago. During that time, we on this side of the house were abundantly clear about our view on (that) particular project.”

Read full article here.

Vaughn Palmer – Vancouver Sun – April 11, 2018.

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