NDP’s grip-less pipeline tool box panders to environmentalists | Vaughn Palmer


The NDP vow to use every tool to stop the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion got another reality check this week, this time in a case management conference at the B.C. Court of Appeal.

“What you seem to be asking for in terms of dates is too ambitious,” presiding Justice David Frankel advised the B.C. government legal team. “There are some assumptions built into your material that I do not necessarily agree with.”

He challenged the government reading of the Constitutional Question Act, the provincial law under which New Democrats are asking the court to validate their attempt to regulate shipments of Alberta bitumen.

“You know, actually it’s interesting, if you read the Act, you don’t appear to have a right of audience (in court), either,” observed the judge. The comment drew titters from a public gallery composed mainly of lawyers representing other interests in the case, according to the account by Ian Mulgrew of The Vancouver Sun.

Read full article here.

Vaughn Palmer – Vancouver Sun – May 11, 2018.

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