Ottawa denies B.C. minister’s claims about fish farm complaint


A federal fisheries scientist says she raised concerns about a “conflict of interest” involving a B.C. government fish scientist directly with the province’s Minister of Agriculture, but never formally complained on behalf of the federal government.

Kristi Miller, a scientist at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, says Agriculture Minister Lana Popham contacted her after a recent CTV W5 story on fish farms to ask why she believed B.C. government fish pathologist Gary Marty is in a conflict.

“I had a conversation with the minister and (deputy minister) about this issue but I want to emphasize that I did not specifically launch a formal complaint on behalf of DFO but rather provided information about my concerns in a phone call by the minister,” Miller said in an email early Wednesday.

“I believe minister Popham should be applauded for following up on these concerns rather than simply refuting or ignoring them.”

Read full article here.

Rob Shaw – Vancouver Sun – October 25, 2017.

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