How much cannabis could you smoke and stay under the proposed legal limit for driving? The answer may be zero


Last month, at a city council meeting in Kelowna, B.C., the ranking RCMP officer was giving his quarterly update on policing when a councillor posed a question about marijuana.

“I know that when I go out for the evening, I can have a beer, and I know the alcohol content in that beer,” said Coun. Ryan Donn. “I know that one would be a good limit for myself to have before getting in a car and driving.

“When I think about cannabis, I really, truly have no idea,” he went on.

“Can it be used an hour before, three hours before? We’re about to go into a world that I don’t know anything about, to be honest with you. How long does it stay in the system? … I know that I don’t have the answers if people ask me on the street.”

RCMP Supt. Brent Mundle had little to offer in response, beyond saying public education is generally behind on this and that federal rules are still under discussion.

“I think there’s going to be a significant learning process for everyone, especially those people that are using cannabis and then operating vehicles, as to what is a safe limit,” he said.

Read full article here.

Brian Platt – National Post – June 5, 2018.

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