Smoking a small amount of pot may boost sperm and testosterone, surprised researchers find


Previous studies have linked heavy pot use with a slump in sperm production. The men in the new study, however, were smoking, on average, two joints a week

When Dr. Jorge Chavarro’s team started investigating marijuana’s effects on sperm, they had every reason to believe weed would prove detrimental to “testicular function,” because other studies had said it to be so.

Instead, they found the opposite.

Men who had ever smoked marijuana had significantly higher sperm concentrations and sperm counts, as well as higher testosterone levels, compared to men who had never smoked weed.

Overall, the sperm of past and current marijuana users seemed to be of superior quality.

“These findings are not consistent with a deleterious role of marijuana smoking on testicular function as initially hypothesized,” Chavarro and his colleagues report this week in the journal Human Reproduction.

Read full article here.

Sharon Kirkey – National Post – February 5, 2019.

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