The Vaping Industry’s Impeachment


A political environment unfit for an industry that truly helps people.

Feb. 5th marked two significant events. First, was the acquittal of President Donald Trump from charges of corruption. Second, and for the importance of this piece, was a House hearing that took on leaders of the vaping industry’s most significant players.

House Democrats, the controlling majority in the lower chamber of Congress, have now long capitalized on the emotions and fears surrounding the vaping industry.

It is primarily Democratic politicians joining hand in hand to stoke fears among communities that e-cigarettes and vaping products were created to addicted children to nicotine through sleek techy designs and flavors like watermelon blast or chocolate.

Outside of their echo chamber, the congressional reaction to the vaping industry raises the questions of their impartiality and the supposed accountability to the voters.

Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colorado, called on industry leaders like Ricardo Oberlander of Reynolds American and K.C. Crosthwaite of Juul Labs.

The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce intentionally prepared this hearing to “grill” the industry for acting illegally.

Members of the committee additionally called the testifying CEOs out for not being honorable or responsible men because they choose to work in the vaping industry.

“While federal regulators share in this blame, a large portion of culpability rests with the manufacturers of e-cigarette products,” Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-New Jersey, said in the hearing.

Read full article here.

Vaping Post – Michael McGrady – February 8, 2020.

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