Daily Telegraph reporter on leaked Western intel dossier: ‘China deliberately covered up evidence’ of coronavirus


Award-winning editor at Australia’s Daily Telegraph says leaked multinational intelligence dossier shows China hid or destroyed evidence on COVID-19.

Sharri Markson, the national political editor at The Daily Telegraph in Australia, appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Monday, two days after the newspaper published an article referencing a 15-page dossier compiled by the so-called “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance, saying the document shows that “China deliberately covered up evidence of the virus [COVID-19] early on in a pure case of negligence.”

The research dossier from the intelligence agencies of the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia and New Zealand states that China intentionally hid or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus outbreak, leading to the loss of tens of thousands of lives around the world.

The document that was obtained by Australia’s Saturday Telegraph newspaper states that China’s secrecy amounted to an “assault on international transparency.”

The dossier touches on themes that have been discussed in media reports about the outbreak of the virus, including an initial denial by China that the virus could be transmitted between humans, the silencing or “disappearing” of doctors who tried to speak up, the destruction of evidence in laboratories and refusal to provide live samples to international scientists working on a vaccine.

Read full article here.

Talia Kaplan – Fox News – May 5, 2020.

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