Nations led by women outclass those led by males when it comes to pandemic response, study finds


‘Being female-led has provided countries with an advantage in the current crisis’

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, it’s common for health officials and news outlets to compare the actions of various countries to see how they’re handling the outbreak.

While all eyes are on countries like the United States, where cases continue to rise daily, another narrative is taking shape — countries led by women appear to be at the forefront of the international fight to contain the virus.

According to a report in the Independent, the top 10 worst-affected countries in the world are all led by men. But therein lies a deeper issue with the analysis: each country has unique variables that make a 1:1 comparison very hard to do, and only about 10 per cent of countries worldwide are led by women.

But in a new study published by the Washington-based Centre for Economic Policy Research, economists Supriya Garikipati and Uma Kambhampati claim to have concretely proven that yes, countries with women leaders have fared better at fighting the pandemic since the beginning.

Read full article here.

Jacob Dube – National Post – July 25, 2020.

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