Mayo Study Finds No Covid-Vape Link


A new study conducted by researchers at Rochester’s reputable Mayo Clinic debunks notions that vaping is linked to contracting Covid. Findings produced by Thulasee Jose, Ivana Croghan, Taylor Hays, Darrell Schroeder, and David Warner pour cold water on the lies propagated by anti-vaping activists’ claims.

The study (1), “tested the hypothesis that current e-cigarette use was associated with an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients seeking medical care”.

The team write how the situation regarding tobacco use and being at increased Covid infection risk is currently unclear. Planet of the Vapes readers will recall how work has been conducted by independent teams following fewer smokers presenting in hospital than would otherwise be expected.

Initial thoughts were that nicotine could act in a way to prevent the virus from attacking the body. “A meta-analysis found that compared with never smokers, current cigarette smokers appear to be at reduced risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection,” they write. “However, little is known about how electronic cigarette use might affect risk.”

Read full article here.

Dave Cross – Planet of the Vapes – 2021-07-09.


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