New vaping laws cause confusion amongst retailers


The new Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulations surrounding the sale of nicotine vaping products and e-cigarettes are set to cause wide-spread confusion across the petrol and convenience (P&C) channel.

The regulations, which came into effect on 1 October, stipulate that consumers can no longer purchase nicotine vaping products in Australia without a GP prescription.

Theo Foukkare, CEO of the Australian Association of Convenience Stores (AACS), has called for more clarity on how the new model will impact retailers and their operations.

“Retailers are expecting to see some confused customers in the coming weeks and months. We have been left in the dark on how this impacts convenience stores around the country. We are still unaware of what we can communicate to consumers on the new regulations and whether that violates the tobacco act in some states. We need information to share with our members urgently.”

Read full article here.

Tom Oakley-Newell – Convenience and Impulse Retailing – 2021-10-05.

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