House Democrats’ tax on e-cigarettes would lead to millions more smokers


This proposed tax seems certain to contribute to a greater incidence of lung diseases going forward.

In the scramble to search for revenue to fund President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan, House Budget Chair John Yarmuth (D‑KY) added a nicotine tax to the ever-changing proposal.

The proposed tax wouldn’t raise the price of traditional cigarettes, which are already taxed at the federal level, but it would introduce a massive new tax on e-cigarettes and other smoking alternatives, which research shows are dramatically safer options for smokers.

A 6 milligram (nicotine)/30 milliliter bottle of e-liquid, for example, would be taxed at a rate of $5.01 under the proposal. A typical pack of e-liquid pods would be taxed at $4.59. The federal tax on cigarettes is $1.01 per pack. Thus, e-cigarettes would be taxed more than regular cigarettes, and dramatically more so in states that already levy their own high e-cigarette taxes.

Michael Pesko of Georgia State University, one of the country’s leading economists when it comes to analyzing the effect of e-cigarette taxes, estimates the new tax on nicotine alternatives would cause 2.7 million more daily adult smokers, 530,000 more teen smokers, and 29,000 more prenatal smokers.

Read full article here.

Guy Bentley – Reason Foundation – 2021-11-10.

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