Standard Procedure at BC’s Oil & Gas Commission—Regulatory secrecy & landowner exclusion


Many of us go through life thinking that things are the way they are supposed to be—the way they should be. We don’t question too many things, instead believing that others more important than us, or better educated than us, are looking after the store.

Landowners in the beautiful Peace River Region of British Columbia, when they saw the first gas and oil rigs pull into the area, expected that the provincial government and its regulatory bodies would protect the public interest and their own. When that didn’t happen, many thought something had been overlooked. Today a growing number of people understand that their interests weren’t so much overlooked, as it is the case that the regulatory system was never designed to even consider their interests.

It is glaringly obvious that the B.C. government’s priority is not publicly accessible processes, or the appropriate recognition and resolution of legitimate landowner grievances.

Read full article here.

Canadian Association Of Energy And Pipeline Landowner Associations (CAEPLA).

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