New ACI Report Highlights the Dangers of Overregulating E-Cigarette and Vaping Products


Today, the American Consumer Institute (ACI) released a report, co-authored by Steve Pociask and Liam Sigaud entitled “How Regulations Endanger the Public Health: A Review of the Evidence on E-Cigarette Risks and Benefits, and Policy Missteps.”

With some lawmakers looking to impose restrictions, bans, and excessive taxes on these products, this report investigates the empirical evidence surrounding the consumer risks and benefits of e-cigarettes and vaping products relative to smoking tobacco. The following are the report’s findings:

  • E-cigarettes and vaping products, while not totally safe, are significantly safer than smoking – 95% safer by some estimates;
  • Studies also show these products are twice as effective in getting smokers to quit than other nicotine-based smoking cessation treatments;
  • Excessive regulation of e-cigarettes and vapes not only ignores the prevailing scientific consensus on health risks, but they deter cigarette smokers from switching to safer alternatives and push vapers back to the pack; and
  • Therefore, overregulating these proven harm reduction products will have serious health consequences for millions of American consumers who smoke.

The overwhelming empirical research is clear and shows that federal, state, and local governments are in a misguided pursuit that eliminates a safer choice for smokers. This report provides much-needed clarity on an issue of profound importance for public health. As the authors note — “informed by rigorous research, the U.S. can better chart a responsible course that encourages smokers to seek safer substitutes and quit, while protecting our youth from the dangers of tobacco products.”

Read full article here.

Steve Pociask – The American Consumer – 2022-01-14.

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