UK To Raise Smoking Age Limit


The UK government is publishing a review today that could lead to the smoking age being raised

Originally we understood this was to involve an increase in the age limit to 21. Information released today shows a more radical approach – increasing the age limit by one year, ever year, as has already been done in New Zealand.

Previous reports suggested that vaping would be included in this age limit rise, which we argued against. This now appears to have been dropped – possibly because Savid Javid sees vaping as instrumental in achieving the UK’s smoke-free goals.

What will the impact on the vape industry be?

The UK government is currently behind in its goal to be effectively Smoke Free by 2030. (By ‘Smoke Free’ the government means less than 5%, which some in Public Health believe would allow cigarettes to be banned.)

Read full article here.

James Dunworth – Ashtray Blog – 2022-06-09.

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