High auto insurance rates driven by for-profit clinics


Ontarians deserve an auto insurance system that is simple, efficient and affordable. As with any product, the price of auto insurance is set at a level that covers the costs of delivering it. The largest contributor to the cost of auto insurance premiums — by far — is claims payments.

Let’s get to the real reason the 9.6 million motorists in Ontario pay the highest auto insurance premiums in Canada. It is the over-utilization, over-treating and over-assessing of the 85,000 accident benefits and bodily injury claimants by for-profit medical rehab clinics that are funded by the auto insurance industry for auto-related injuries…It’s time for the Ontario government and the Financial Services Commission of Ontario to get serious about eliminating all the game playing in the medical and rehabilitation auto insurance system and adopt a robust evidence-based system that delivers quality care to accident-benefits claimants — no more, no less.

Read full article here.

Rocco Neglia – WINDSOR STAR – May 21, 2015.

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