Kamloops council wants both sides in Ajax mine debate to pony up


Both sides of the Ajax mine debate are being asked to chip in to pay for the City of Kamloops’ review of KGHM’s proposed copper and gold project south of Aberdeen.
Kamloops city council on Tuesday unanimously agreed to ask both KGHM Ajax and the Kamloops Area Preservation Association (KAPA) to help cover the costs of the $300,000 review of the mine’s application for environmental review.

KAPA is among groups opposed to the proposed mine and was part of a coalition that raised more than $25,000 in a online fundraising drive to hire experts to assess KGHM’s application.
Public works director Jen Fretz said the city plans to hire SLR Consulting, which has no ties to KGHM, to help it conduct a review of the application focused on questions previously raised by council and public concerns.

Read full article here.

Andrea Klassen – Kamloops This Week – July 28, 2015.

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