Vancouver cab companies joining forces with planned smartphone app (with video)


‘If you can’t beat ’em, join them,’ seems to be the adage the Vancouver taxi industry is embracing when it comes the possible entry of ride-sharing companies into the local market.

Four companies – Yellow Cab, Blacktop, Vancouver Taxi and MacLure’s – will begin using eCab in the next month. The app lets people see what taxis are closest to them, order specific ones, and pay ahead of time.

“For the industry to adapt, the industry knows they need to join forces. This is the first global alliance…that was born because of this digital revolution,” says Gilles Gomis of eCab. The company, based in Europe, already operates throughout France and in several other major European cities.

Read full article here.

Justin McElroy – Global News – APRIL 25, 2015.

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