Site C Dam will not be diverted to B.C. Utilities Commission


Despite increasing pressure from British Columbia’s municipalities, provincial Energy Minister Bill Bennett said last week he is sticking by his decision not to refer the Site C dam to the B.C Utilities Commission.

On Sept. 25, the Union of B.C. Municipalities passed a motion at its annual conference calling on the province to halt construction on the $8.8-billion dam and refer it to the commission for review and consultation.

But in an interview Friday with the Alaska Highway News, Bennett said UBCM delegates—comprised of politicians and administrators from local governments across the province—were “out of their depth” to make that kind of call. “I don’t think the people who voted on the motion understand the level of due diligence that has taken place prior to making a final investment decision on Site C,” Bennett said.

Read full article here.

William Stodalka – Alaska Highway News – October 5, 2015.

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