Brokers encouraged to review data protections


With data breaches being regular media fodder these days, the existing responsibility of insurance brokers to safeguard client information coupled with new legislative requirements make this a good time for brokers to review data protection efforts to ensure they are fully up to date, Beth Pearson, chairman of Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO), suggested Friday.

“Brokers are required to collect a significant amount of personal information from our clients and employees,” Pearson, 2014-2015 president and now chairman, said during the 34th annual meeting of RIBO – which serves as the Ontario brokerage industry’s self-regulator and whose council consists of both elected brokers and lay appointees from the provincial government – in Toronto. “We are also required to safeguard that information and only use it in accordance with the purposes for which we collect it,” she explained to those assembled.

Read full article here.

Angela Stelmakowich – CANADIANUNDERWRITER.CA – Nov 9, 2015.

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