Brent Stafford

Executive Producer / Founder -

Exclusive articles:


Hypocrisy of Harm Reduction | Dr. Sally Satel Assesses Public Health War on Vaping

Why is heroin harm reduction ok, but nicotine harm reduction is not? Often it seems public health officials consider nicotine to be far more...

Web Extra | Satel on Youth Smoking & FDA Regs

If youth smoking rates are plummeting at the same time e-cigarette use is growing, why would the FDA clamp down on vaping? Has the...

Tallying the Score | Part 2

Curbing the appeal of vaping to young people is the primary pursuit of Canada’s new vaping regulations. Every section, clause and word of the...

Tallying the Score | Impact of Canada’s New Vaping Regulations | Part 1

Messy compromise or promise fulfilled? These are just two of the questions Canadian vapers are struggling with following the Liberal government’s release of its...

Grover Norquist | How to Motivate Politicians | Web Extra

Consumers of sin tax affected products tend to be reticent, says Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform—but vapers are not! He says...