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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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Protocol Agreement: Insurance inquiry and complaint referrals (AIC/Ministry)

INSURANCE ACT Delegation to the Alberta Insurance Council Order in accordance with section 791 of the Insurance Act, the following powers, duties and functions are...

What your insurance broker doesn’t want you to know

When Canadians purchase life insurance now, their broker typically hands them an industry form letter promising that "any insurance product I recommend will be...

Electronic cigarettes as a harm reduction strategy for tobacco control: A step forward or a repeat of past mistakes?

The issue of harm reduction has long been controversial in the public health practice of tobacco control. Health advocates have been reluctant to endorse a...

CCIR investigating regulatory changes for general agencies, wholsesale brokers and third party administrators

The Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) is looking into the regulation of general agencies, wholesale agencies, wholesale brokers and third party administrators. The CCIR's...

Swine Flu Deaths Reach 11,000

About 11,000 Americans have died of swine flu as of last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. The agency’s previous estimate...