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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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Vapers Take Centre Stage During National Non-Smoking Week

Vaping is not smoking and is a proven way for smokers to quit The vapers of Canada are claiming their spot in National Non-Smoking Week. Under the...

Secondhand Risk Claim Crushed

A new study from the University of Southern California claims to find secondhand vape and the researchers go on to state that this poses...

A disruptive technology could finally put an end to tobacco smoking

I spent 40 years working as an anesthesiologist. Too much of that time was spent caring for smokers while they underwent horrible, disfiguring and...

Great Yarmouth smokers: Would you switch to vaping to kick the habit?

For smokers, kicking the habit used to mean patches, gum or just going cold turkey. But Great Yarmouth's smokers have been offered an increasingly popular...

Rethink Nicotine and Respect Consumers

Living is risky behaviour. Nothing we do (or don’t do) is free of any risk, so the goal is to manage our risks; to...