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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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President Derek Yach’s Statement on the WHO’s Global Tobacco Epidemic Report

In response to: WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2021: New and Emerging Products “The WHO’s tobacco control approach is fundamentally flawed. In 20 years,...

Expert reaction to WHO report on nicotine and tobacco products

The World Health Organisation (WHO), have released a new report on nicotine and tobacco products.  Prof Peter Hajek, Director of the Tobacco Dependence Research Unit,...

Bloomberg-Funded WHO Report Doubles Down Against Vaping

In what is almost certainly a preview of policies that will be urged at the fall meeting of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention...

World Health Organization has ignored science again

THE World Health Organisation's bizarre opposition to electronic nicotine delivery systems - better known as e-cigarettes or vapes - has just been ramped up...

WHO distracts from decades of failed efforts to reduce smoking with misguided war on safer alternatives

The World Health Organization (WHO) and its single most significant funder for anti-smoking efforts, US billionaire Michael Bloomberg, have today sought to distract from years...