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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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Re-examining the Association Between E-Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction: A Cautionary Tale

Cross-sectional analyses have suggested that e-cigarette use, independent of combustible cigarette use, elevates the risk of myocardial infarction. Previous researchers confused their own models’...

Impact of flavours, device, nicotine levels and price on adult e-cigarette users’ tobacco and nicotine product choices

To understand the impact of e-cigarette devices, flavours, nicotine levels and prices on adult e-cigarette users’ choices among closed-system and open-system e-cigarettes, cigarettes and...

Disposable E-Cigarette Use among U.S. Youth — An Emerging Public Health Challenge

TO THE EDITOR: Previous increases in the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) by youth were driven by multiple factors, including advertising, the use of...

Tobacco Truth: “Epidemic” Teen Vaping Based Only on NYTS, FDA-Funded PATH Survey Ignored

Teen vaping estimates from the CDC and other anti-tobacco crusaders are hyperinflated by the National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS).   As I have shown previously, the CDC...

Not a Fair COP

Have you heard about COPs? Not the guys in uniforms, but “Conferences Of Parties (COPs).” Usually, it comes with a number, COP9, COP21, COP26… What...