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In addition to our original coverage, RegWatch curates top stories on issues and impacts arising from the regulation of economic, social and environmental activity in Canada and the U.S.

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Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: A Missed Opportunity

In February, the European Commission (EC) presented its Beating Cancer Plan (BCP), which named tobacco as the top avoidable risk factor. According to the EC, tobacco...

These bans on flavored e-cigarettes could do more harm than good.

Something very curious is happening as anti-tobacco groups led by the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids seek city-by-city, state-by-state bans on flavored tobacco products. They have succeeded...

There’s no single endgame

‘Endgame’ is a term from chess, a complex game with a simple objective: to checkmate the king. Tobacco control is not so simple. We do...

To Increase Smoking Rates Among Young Adults, Keep Hiking Vape Taxes

Across the country, local and state lawmakers are proposing to enact new taxes and/or increasing existing excise taxes on e-cigarettes. Some are introducing these...

Are we ready to achieve a smoke free future?

Today, around two hundred people will die from smoking in Britain alone. This is often compared to a plane of smokers crashing down everyday. This...