60 Percent of Students Value Tolerance Over Free Speech, Survey Finds


On Wednesday, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) released a survey showing that college students in Generation Z or iGen are conflicted on free speech and seem to value tolerance and inclusion more than this important First Amendment liberty.

Sixty percent of students say “promoting an inclusive environment that is welcoming to a diverse group of students” is more important than “protecting students’ free speech rights, even if it means allowing hurtful or offensive speech,” the FIRE/YouGov poll found.

More than half of students (57 percent) either agree or strongly agree that “colleges and universities should be able to restrict student expression of political views that are hurtful or offensive to certain students.”

Even worse, more than two-thirds of students (70 percent) agree with this statement: “students at my college or university should be excluded from extracurricular activities (ex: sports, Greek life, student organizations) if they publicly express intolerant, hurtful, or offensive viewpoints.”

Read full article here.

Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media – January 30, 2019.

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