AGLC Rolls out ‘Don’t Mix Cheers and Gears’ Anti-Drunk Driving Campaign


A few years ago, an impaired driver rounded a corner and slammed into a vehicle occupied by members of Kimberlie Crowe’s family at a Lethbridge intersection.

“Luckily they weren’t injured, but it has had an impact on me,” said Crowe, a Grade 11 student at Lethbridge Collegiate Institute.

Crowe nudged out 306 other contestants from 280 high schools in a contest to design impaired-driving awareness art that will adorn one million paper bags for use at liquor stores throughout Alberta.

Her design depicts two cars in a wreck with a pair of glasses pouring red wine over them, leaving a puddle that doubles as blood, with the motto “don’t mix cheers and gears.”

Read full article here.

Bill Kaufmann – Calgary Herald – May 17, 2017.

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