Fracking earthquakes: AER Imposes monitoring requirements in response to earthquakes in the Duvernay


Effective immediately, operators in the Duvernay formation must monitor and report seismic activity in accordance with a ‘traffic light’ process, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) said Thursday.

Outlined in a subsurface order, the process defines the stages at which operators need to take action when seismic activity is observed. The order comes after several seismic events possibly related to hydraulic fracturing were recorded in the Fox Creek area in northwestern Alberta.

“The traffic light approach, in essence, is a process that defines the stages at which operators must take action when seismic activity is observed, including the reporting of activities to the AER, implementing response plans and at certain levels ceasing operations,” Peter Murchland, manager of media and issues management at the AER, told the Bulletin. “The idea is that at increased levels of magnitude, the risk is greater.”

Read full article here.

junewarren-nickle’s energy group – February 20, 2015.

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