Alberta to rewrite oil sands tailings ponds regulations


Alberta and its energy watchdog are on the verge of rewriting regulations that are designed to clean up oil sands tailings ponds because industry players are unable to meet the existing rules.

The current standard, known as directive 74, has served as a cornerstone of the province’s environmental talking points for the past six years. Alberta’s toxic tailings ponds have become an emblem of what critics view as the energy industry’s disregard for the environment.

The ponds cover a total of about 77 square kilometres in different locations near oil sands mines in northern Alberta, hosting byproducts ranging from water, to clay, to residual bitumen. More than 100 migratory birds were killed after landing in three ponds last month, and 1,606 birds died in one pond in 2008.

Read full article here.

Carrie Tait & Jeff Lewis – Globe and Mail – December 10, 2014.

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