Australia’s Latest Document on Vaping Will Cost More Australian Lives


The 2022 CEO Statement on Electronic Cigarettes by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), is sadly full of inaccurate claims about vaping that can easily be debunked. 

The recently released NHMRC statement sadly contains multiple false claims about vaping, including that it is not an effective quit-smoking tool, and also that it is actually a gateway to smoking.

“This latest government document on vaping makes outrageously false claims and will only cost more Australian smokers their lives,” says Nancy Loucas, Executive Co-ordinator of CAPHRA (Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates).

Sadly adds Loucas, the claims in the document can be easily debunked. “Ridiculously, Australia’s Chief Medical Officer considers vaping the next biggest health issue after COVID-19. Has he ever heard of smoking which kills over 20,000 Australians every year? This 18-page document is a complete joke. It is full of statements that can be easily debunked by international science and human evidence the world over.”

Read full article here.

Diane Caruana – VapingPost – 2022-07-11

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