B.C. auditor offers advice on utilities commission after previous studies


British Columbia’a auditor general says the provincial government should clarify whether it intends to act on two task forces that identified risks to the effectiveness of the B.C. Utilities Commission.

Carol Bellringer says those risks were identified in 2013 and 2014 and included recommendations on ways to improve the commission’s role.

A team of auditors from Bellringer’s office found many of the same risks in its review and highlighted five of them in a report to the government on Thursday.

The auditor says the recommendations would improve the commission’s independence, its review of large projects and the clarity of the policy guidance it provides.

The commission regulates some of B.C.’s biggest companies including BC Hydro, FortisBC and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.

It was created in 1980.

Bellringer said one of the task force’s noted how the government sets energy policy, defines the commission’s mandate and directs it on specific matters.

When government gives direction, she said it should not dictate outcomes or intrude on the commission’s consideration of individual applications.

In cases where the government makes final decisions, Bellringer said the commission can provide an independent expert review.

Read full article here.

Canadian Press – March 15, 2018.


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