B.C. First Nation to vote on building LNG terminal near Vancouver


The Tsawwassen First Nation is considering building a terminal south of Vancouver to export liquefied natural gas, putting the concept to a membership vote in December.

FortisBC LNG Development Inc. and the native group have formed a joint venture to explore the proposal for constructing an LNG terminal on Tsawwassen land designated for industrial use, Tsawwassen Chief Bryce Williams said.

He said he has not personally made up his mind, and will be asking nearly 300 Tsawwassen First Nation members to vote on whether to support the concept. “I’m kind of neutral on this. I’m still on the fence, you could say. I haven’t really taken a stance, and I want to educate the members and see which direction they’re leaning toward,” the elected chief said in an interview. “Whatever they decide, I will support. We’ll see what happens in the coming weeks.”

Read full article here.

BRENT JANG – Globe and Mail – Nov. 16, 2015.

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