BCUC Core Review (all stakeholders submissions)


Government is acting on one of its 10 Year Plan commitments for BC Hydro by beginning an independent core review of the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) to increase its effectiveness and efficiency.

Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review has appointed a task force to implement this review.  The task force members include Michael Costello, Peter Ostergaard and R. Brian Wallace. They have experience in electricity policy, utility operations and the regulatory framework.

Task Force Member Biographies

The goal of this review is to increase the BCUC’s efficiency and effectiveness so that BC Hydro rates can be set by the BCUC starting in the third year of the plan.


Task Force Terms of Reference for the Review

Review Process

Consultation is beginning in late April 2014 and will consist of face-to-face meetings with First Nations and key stakeholders, including regulated utilities, interveners and current and former BCUC staff and Commissioners. Members of the public can make written submissions at bcucreview@gov.bc.ca.

The consultation process is scheduled to be completed by mid-October. The Task Force will report back to the Minister of Justice and the Minister Responsible for Core Review with the following:

  • A summary of consultations with stakeholders on the Terms of Reference will be ready in the summer 2014;
  • A summary of submissions from stakeholders will be ready in the fall of 2014;
  • An interim Report, due October 1, 2014; and
  • A final Report, due November 17, 2014, this may include suggestions for legislative and regulatory amendments.

Project Documents

Interim Report

Stakeholder Submissions – Round One

Stakeholder Submissions – Round Two

Stakeholder Submissions – Round Three

 Consultation Summaries

Read full article here.

Ministry of Energy and Mines – October 9, 2014.

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