So, can Alberta Premier Rachel Notley actually turn off the energy tap to B.C.?


Kinder Morgan’s $7.4-billion oil pipeline expansion has approval from the federal government and the backing of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

And it had approval from B.C. under the former Christy Clark-led B.C. Liberal government.

The path appeared clear for the mega-project to be built and open the way to access new markets in Asia for bitumen from the Alberta oilsands.

But after B.C. Premier John Horgan’s NDP government came to power last year — a minority government supported by three Green MLAs — the project no longer had the province’s support. Environmental groups, some First Nations and municipalities such as Burnaby and Vancouver are loudly voicing their opposition and launching protests.

The opposing positions erupted into a full out national battle after Kinder Morgan delivered an ultimatum in early April saying it needed certainty by May 31 it could build the project through B.C. or it was walking away.

Read full article here.

Gordon Hoekstra – Vancouver Sun – April 17, 2018.

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