Equity Crowdfunding Gets Green Light in Five More Provinces Including BC, Quebec


Securities regulators in five more provinces are poised to allow equity crowdfunding in their jurisdictions.

Last week regulators in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia announced new harmonized rules that will govern the practice in those provinces. Previously, only Saskatchewan allowed ordinary investors to participate in equity crowdfunding…

…The new rules will allow startups based in those six provinces to raise up to $250,000 through an individual equity crowdfunding offering. Companies will be allowed to conduct a maximum of two offerings a year and raise up to $500,000 in total….Publicly-traded companies, known as reporting issuers, will not be allowed to take advantage of the new rules, however new regulations for those companies are in the works.

Read full article here.

Jacob Serebrin – TECHVIBES – May 20, 2015.

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