Experts warn that vaping is hazardous to your health


If you want to quit smoking, vaping is not the best option.

This was stressed by HealthJustice Philippines, a non-government organization, that expressed alarm over the pending Senate Bill 2239 titled “An Act Regulating the Importation, Manufacture, Sale, Packaging, Distribution, Use, And Communication of Vapor Products and Heated Tobacco Products [HTPs],” or commonly known as the Vape Bill, which would encourage people, especially the youth to try vaping.

HealthJustice is strongly opposed to this bill as it is anti-children and anti-health for it allows those who are 18 years old to purchase and use the vaporized nicotine products (VNP), such as vapes and HTPs, will allow online sales and does not ban fruit and candy flavors that are attractive to children.

Vapes, e-cigarettes not safe

Former Health Secretary Dr. Jaime Galvez-Tan, a trustee of HealthJustice Philippines, maintained that vapes and e-cigarettes are not safe.

This was also the stand of other health professionals.

On August 31, Tuesday, more than 60 medical organizations and tobacco control advocacy groups also called on the Senate to junk Senate Bill 2239.

Read full article here.

Claudeth Mocon-Ciriaco – Business Mirror – 2021-09-01.

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