‘Fantastic’ for the climate: Activists See Coronavirus Lockdowns As Dress Rehearsal for ‘Climate Emergency’ – Special Report


Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “If you like living under the coronavirus fears and government-mandated lockdowns, then you’ll love living your life under a ‘climate emergency’.”

The climate change activist community has been in awe at the governments around the world and their responses to the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic. Global warming campaigners have been watching closely and taking notes as the virus-induced societal shutdowns have enacted many of the climate activists’ long sought after agenda. The coronavirus government response of austere lockdowns and limited economic activity has inspired climate activists and motivated them to the virus fears to lobby for their climate “solutions.”

The environmental Left has watched as many of the same “solutions” they have advocated for the alleged “climate emergency” were enacted seemingly overnight by governments around the world.

The irony is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been allegedly leading the fight against COVID-19, but sadly, the WHO — among other problems — had its priorities badly misplaced.

Everything the climate campaigners could have ever hoped for has become a (temporary?) reality with the Coronavirus shutdown of modern society.

Read full article here.

Marc Morano – Climate Depot – April 21, 2020.

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